
Category: Game Development

Discover the exciting world of game development with Melior Games. Our experienced team of professionals will guide you through every step of the process.

3D Animation: 12 Steps To Follow

3D Animation: 12 Steps To Follow

3D animation is one of the main disciplines in modern art. Can you imagine Hollywood, advertising,…

5 Best 2D Animation Outsourcing Companies

2D Animation Outsourcing Companies

2D animation outsourcing has become a normal trend nowadays. There are hundreds of companies in Silicon…

Top 10 of the Most Popular Video Games of 2019

Tetris 99 best video game of 2019

2018 was really good. 2019 doesn’t look so fruitful, however, it has a lot of published…

How to Become a Game Developer

how to become a developer

Normally, developing a video game takes months or even years. This process demands different job roles…

5 Best Game Art Outsourcing Companies

game art outsourcing companies meliorgames photo

Developing a game is quite a complex task. One of the main subsets which takes place…

10 Best Mobile Game Companies in 2019

Best Mobile Game Companies

The number of mobile gamers increases from year to year. This trend means good news for…