
Melior Games Blog


4 Dont’s For a Game Startup

4 Dont’s For a Game Startup

I have tapped into the many years experience of Melior Games developers to get an idea…

Video Game Industry Statistics

Video Game Industry Statistics

The gaming industry constitutes a huge branch of entertainment in the life of our society —…

23 Search Optimization Tips To Make Your Game Or App Noticed

23 Search Optimization Tips To Make Your Game Or App Noticed

With almost 4 million applications available on the most popular platforms and a new game being…

Trends for the Video Gaming Industry

Trends for the Video Gaming Industry

Melior Games is closely following trends for the video gaming industry and we constantly share our…

How Blockchain And Smart Contracts Can Define The Future Of Online Gambling

How Blockchain And Smart Contracts Can Define The Future Of Online Gambling

If you are staying on top of current trends in the gambling industry, you’ve probably heard…

5 Must-Dos For Any Game Startup

5 Must-Dos For Any Game Startup

Launching your own business is always very challenging and risky. In the case of a game…