Over the past ten years, video games development has evolved, impressing players with realistic graphics, gripping storylines, and in-game features. You can find Melior Games of any style, theme, genre, and difficulty. It is not surprising that the artists are much more interested in pursuing a career in the video game industry.
Technologies such as 3D graphics, 4K video resolutions and motion sensors allowed creating new game genres and more realistic game interfaces. Today, game developers can pack various features into one game and it will not take up all the memory of your hard drive.
Let’s have an overview of how video game development has enhanced throughout its history.
How Have Video Games Changed Over the Years?
Ten years ago, the creation of video games was at the primary and primitive level. The games were mostly two-dimensional, they had poor detailing and were not colorful. Today, most PCs have powerful processors with graphic cards. It enables faster 3D images generation, real-time animation, and complex lighting effects.
Besides, new processors support full-screen videos, allowing game developers to insert pre-created cinematic pieces into their products. Since developers can perform rendering of such videos on various graphics workstations, the high development cost is no longer deterrent. Another breakthrough for both developers and consumers was the Unity game engine. Its free version allowed game development for everyone with a computer.
Game development has come a long way. How have video games changed over the years? Let’s have a look at the most thrilling changes and improvements.
The evolution of Indie Games
Not long ago, the only way to become a part of the gaming industry was to join a development team within a big company. The process was complicated and there were artists, scriptwriters, musicians, actors working on one project. Over the past 10 years, videogame development has become more accessible. Not only in terms of distribution, but also in terms of creation. Cave Story, Braid, Minecraft and Undertale – all these games were made by one person and have gained popularity among millions of players all over the world. How have video games changed over time? There are also dozens of other similar modern projects, made by the team of several people. It proved that you don’t need to have hundreds of developers and a big budget to create the game. The development of indie games owes its success to the Valve Corporation that has created a Steam platform for independent projects. Now, it is easier for developers to attract funding for their ideas, promote them and develop them together with the gaming community.
The rise of eSport games
Cybersport games hit the world in 2013, and their popularity keeps growing. The number of players has increased from 90 million in 2014 to 165 million in 2018. Therefore, the number of leagues, tournaments, and sport disciplines has also grown. If we consider the numbers, in 2014 eSports earned $194 million, and at the end of 2018, the profit reached $765 million. One of the most important indicators of growth is the recognition of eSports by the Olympic Committee.
Classics Comeback
They say fashion goes in circles and repeats every 20 years. Surprisingly, the statement applies to developing video games as well. In the last decade, gamers have been looking back more often. Increasing demand for buying the consoles like SNES Classic Mini and games that are the DOOM or Mega Man followers speaks for itself.
Besides, there are genres popular in the 90s that have taken a back set with the advent of high-quality 3D graphics. You can hear the announcements of cult classic remakes more often. Recently, Resident Evil, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, and Mega Man were back to the game. Gamers tend to play good old classic RPGs and shooters with no plot but juicy shootings.
The Influence of Video Games Streamers
At the beginning of the 2010s, there were only a few online platforms, magazines, and websites where you could learn the latest news about the upcoming games and see the reviews. The gamers could rely only on the ads and promotional materials which did not always give the right impression. Now, it is no longer an issue.
Thanks to Youtube and Twitch, you can watch streaming video games and learn about the main features from the people who play it in real-time. However, there is a downside. Many companies claim that after watching a streaming video, the consumers won’t buy the game. At the same time, you never know what stimulates your consumer to purchase your video game. Marketers should try various channels to attract the audience.

The Future of Video Games Development
The article analyzes how video games have changed in the last 10 years but what lies ahead?
The most obvious trend in the computer games industry is certainly the quality of graphics. If you take a longer period, the progress will exceed the most optimistic expectations.
Another breakthrough lies in the fusion of video games and cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, VR and AR. The storylines will become more engaging and the players will be able to alter them. In general, Melior games development will be more customer-oriented, so the gamers will receive an opportunity to support the development of games they like and fundraise the most fascinating ideas.
Among the most thrilling trends are:
- Cinematically realistic graphics;
- Artificial intelligence technology;
- Interactive storylines;
- VR and AR technologies;
- Transparent game design;
- Crowdfunding to support games development;
- Free-language interface.
The Bottom Line
The interest in video games will continue to grow. To analyze the past means to develop the industry in the future. IT is expected that developers will work on more realistic graphics, engage customers in the process of creation and include cutting-edge technologies to advance the video games. One thing is for sure, video game development still has things to improve.