
Melior Games Blog


Streamlining Mobile Game Testing with Pairwise Testing

Streamlining Mobile Game Testing with Pairwise Testing

The variety of hardware configurations in mobile games presents unique challenges for quality assurance (QA). It…

From Glitches to Legends: The Most Astonishing Bugs in Game Development History

From Glitches to Legends: The Most Astonishing Bugs in Game Development History

Since games are made by humans, bugs are an integral part of the development process. Full…

How AI Can Revolutionize the Game Industry

How AI Can Revolutionize the Game Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is permeating every aspect of our daily lives, and it’s even more so…

Must-Have Tools and Libraries for Casual Game Developers

Must-Have Tools and Libraries for Casual Game Developers

Casual game developers need efficient, versatile, and cost-effective tools to turn their ideas into immersive experiences….

Game Development Timeline: Unraveling the Mystery

Game Development Timeline: Unraveling the Mystery

It was a busy evening when a curious client knocked on Melior Games’ inbox. “How long…

Leveling Up Your Game: Why Story and Character Development Are Your Ultimate Power-Ups

Leveling Up Your Game: Why Story and Character Development Are Your Ultimate Power-Ups

Welcome, brave adventurer! Today we’re going on a quest through the mystical lands of game design…