There are still a lot of video game development companies considering that they can follow an old good strategy created several years ago and succeed in the gaming market. Well, indeed, there are some basic rules and principles, but if you ignore modern trends you will most likely fail even before you enter the market.
Nowadays it is crucial to keep up not only with the news delivered to the digital world by tech giants but also with the topics discussed in the gaming community. Especially, when it comes to social media. On the one hand, it’s pretty easy to miss some important tweet or Twitch streaming, on the other – you’ve got access to your customers’ thoughts you never had before. Read more for Inclusivity, million-dollar-worth prizes, and other trends you may encounter in the gaming industry in 2019.
Hype in video game development
To be on the hype means to be promoted blatantly and extravagantly. In many cases, the creators of the product exaggerate some features or circumstances under which their masterpiece is going to be released. It may lead to undesired effects as well. Just recall No Man’s Sky. Over-hype on this survival adventure eventually resulted in an additional demand for the developers. On one side, it is amazing to generate such kind of hype with a small and not well-known team and get huge support with fundraising.
On the other side, Bethesda which announced ‘Fallout 4’ months before its release in November, soon gets the answer to a question: will tempering expectations with shorter hype cycles be the way of the future for bigger developers and publishers?
Different games for different people
Did you notice how many vegans, transgenders, and other people with a different vision of life came out recently? You realize that they are a part of your gamer audience and what is more interesting, they could form a niche, especially for your game. In 2019 it has become normal to feature diversity and inclusivity in gaming. To expose young people (and adults – let’s be honest) to the truth that being different is normal within the gaming industry could engage more users and increase loyalty. Diversity could prevail in video game development since every entertainment industry crawls towards equality.
Screaming for streaming
Amazon Lumberyard and Twitch mechanics are now available within the editing software. For millions of gamers, it has become pretty easy to try out different ways where they can integrate their gaming experience.
Besides, in 2019 Google unveiled its Project Stream, which is already being tested by “Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey” (Ubisoft) fans. This trend is worth attention for one simple reason – the streaming of any graphically-demanding game is becoming available on any standard PC.
New opportunities for video game development
In 2019 indie developers can take a breath of fresh air. A plethora of new features are provided by different platforms, from Twine to Amazon Lumberyard. Just consider software access, as well as a surprisingly low barrier for entries… it should attract more indie game lovers and, as a result, an increase in game development outsourcing.
AR game development strategy
According to GDC’s 2019 gaming industry surveys, game-makers are really bullish on Augmented Reality, considering it to become the dominant over Virtual Reality. Apparently, such Pokemon Go’s ascendants as The Walking Dead Our World, Jurassic World Alive and the upcoming Harry Potter: Wizards Unite are already on their way to immersive playing on smartphones.
Moreover, Nvidia and other graphics card manufacturers are going to enhance quality till the end of 2019 in order to bring AR to a new level.
Adult women still rock
Still believe that most video games players are kids and teens? Well, according to the recent 2019 stats, the average age of male players in the U.S. is 33 and 37 for females. And what is even more amazing, the developers from Melior Games prove – there is a significant increase in the amount of girls and women engaged in playing simulators, strategies, and quests.
Millionaires in E-Sports
In 2019 eSports shocked the gaming industry with its growing ambitions. This year an extremely popular Fortnite World Cup. In recent competition a regular teen from Essex named Jaden (15 years old) won $1 000 000.
In a modern world, it is not always easy to keep up with the news in the gaming industry and follow engaging trends. Information spreads too rapidly and to miss something important is quite a common thing. However, the solution is pretty simple. You just need to find a dedicated video game development team like Melior Games and ensure they know every fancy thing in the modern gaming world.