Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform Game Development

One of the main goals of game designers in today’s competitive game market is to reach as many players as possible. Cross-platform gaming, which involves developing a single game to run on multiple platforms, including PCs, consoles, and mobile devices, is one way to achieve this. Cross-platform development has its advantages and disadvantages. To help you determine if this tactic is right for your project, we’ll take a look at it below.

Pros of Cross-Platform Game Development

  1. Wider Audience Reach
    • You can increase the number of users who can play your game by releasing it on multiple platforms. The same game can be accessed by players who choose PC, console, or mobile devices.
    • This can also lead to a larger, more diverse community, which enhances the game’s social appeal and longevity.
  2. Cost Efficiency
    • Developers can reach a variety of market niches by releasing on several platforms. For instance, you could appease passionate PC or console gamers while profiting greatly from the growing market for mobile games.
    • It also helps in building brand recognition across different platforms.
  3. Easier Market Penetration
    • Releasing on various platforms allows developers to penetrate different market segments. For instance, you can tap into the high revenue potential of mobile games while still catering to hardcore gamers on consoles or PC.
    • It also helps in building brand recognition across different platforms.
  4. Unified Player Experience
    • Consistent user experience is made possible by cross-platform programming. Playing on mobile and console platforms is similar, which encourages player loyalty and reduces the hassle of switching between devices.
    • Thanks to features like cross-play, friends may play together across platforms, increasing player retention.
  5. Faster Time-to-Market
    • Tools such as Unity or Unreal Engine accelerate the development cycle and enable developers to quickly reach their audience by simplifying the process of exporting games to many platforms.

Cons of Cross-Platform Game Development

  1. Performance Trade-Offs
    • Platforms have different hardware requirements. Games designed for cross-platform compatibility often have to sacrifice performance, especially on devices with lower computing power like smartphones.
    • To ensure that the game runs correctly on all platforms, lower graphics quality may be required.
  2. Increased Complexity
    • Developing for multiple platforms creates technological challenges due to the different requirements, management methods, and player expectations of each platform.
    • Maintaining platform compatibility often requires complex testing protocols and specialized expertise as the code becomes more complex with each iteration.
  3. Higher Development Costs Initially
    • Although initial development costs may be higher, cross-platform development can lead to long-term cost reductions. To ensure compatibility, you need to invest in platform testing, additional resources, and cross-platform development tools.
    • Depending on the complexity, there may be significant upfront costs.
  4. Platform-Specific Limitations
    • Several platforms have strict guidelines or restrictions on game content and features. Certain game mechanics may be prohibited on consoles, and mobile app stores may have different rules than PC app stores.
    • Developers must sometimes reduce or alter features to comply with the lowest common denominator in terms of performance or technical requirements.
  5. User Experience Disparities
    • While aiming for a unified experience, it’s difficult to achieve full parity across platforms. For example, controls that work well on a console may feel cumbersome on mobile or PC.
    • Users on one platform may believe that their flawless experience has been degraded on another, which could have a detrimental effect on player happiness.

Best Game Engines for Cross-Platform Game Development

Choosing the right game engine is crucial for a successful cross-platform project. The engine you select will determine how efficiently you can build, test, and deploy your game across multiple platforms. Here are some of the most popular game engines used for cross-platform development:


Platforms Supported: PC, consoles, mobile, VR/AR, and web.

Why It’s Good for Cross-Platform: One of the most flexible engines for cross-platform development is Unity, which is well-known for its extensive community support and strong export capabilities. With so many plugins available, it makes adjusting your game for multiple devices easier.

Best For: 2D and 3D games, mobile games, VR/AR experiences.

Unreal Engine

Platforms Supported: PC, consoles, mobile, VR/AR, and web.

Why It’s Good for Cross-Platform: The powerful performance and high-fidelity graphics of Unreal Engine are a huge asset for AAA blockbusters and visually demanding games. Unreal provides capabilities to facilitate cross-platform workflows and supports the most prominent platforms natively.

Best For: High-end 3D games, first-person shooters, large-scale open-world games.


Platforms Supported: PC, consoles, mobile, and web.

Why It’s Good for Cross-Platform: Godot is an open-source engine that offers an intuitive workflow for both 2D and 3D game development. It’s lightweight and flexible, making it a great option for developers who want control over the development process without the licensing costs of other engines.

Best For: Indie games, 2D games, lightweight 3D games.


Platforms Supported: Mobile, PC, and web.

Why It’s Good for Cross-Platform: Cocos2d-x is a lightweight game engine primarily aimed at mobile game development, but it also supports desktop and web platforms. It’s popular in the Asian markets and is well-suited for 2D games that need to run efficiently on lower-end devices.

Best For: 2D mobile games, simple web games.

GameMaker Studio 2

Platforms Supported: PC, consoles, mobile, and web.

Why It’s Good for Cross-Platform: GameMaker Studio 2 is highly regarded for its ease of use, especially for beginners. It’s particularly strong in 2D game development and allows for quick prototyping and efficient deployment to various platforms.

Best For: 2D games, indie games, rapid development.

When Is Cross-Platform Game Development the Most Cost-Effective?

Cross-platform game development can provide significant cost savings under certain conditions. Here are some scenarios where it becomes the most cost-effective approach:

Multi-Platform Audience from the Start

If your game is intended for release on multiple platforms, starting with a cross-platform approach saves you from having to rebuild the game for each device later. It’s especially useful when your audience is fragmented across platforms (e.g., mobile and PC users) but shares common interests.

For example, cross-platform development is beneficial for multiplayer games with a large player base, such as Battle Royale and Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games. This allows you to connect players on multiple platforms.

Shared Codebase

The development of your game is made less redundant when it can run on multiple platforms using the same codebase. With a shared codebase, you can distribute updates more uniformly and economically, handle issues, and add new features. This is particularly useful for live-service games with frequent content updates.

Mobile-first games that later want to expand to PC or consoles often benefit from this strategy.

Smaller Development Teams

Indie developers and small studios often find cross-platform development to be a cost-effective way to maximize their game’s reach without needing separate teams to handle platform-specific versions. This is especially true when using engines like Unity or Godot, which allow small teams to cover multiple platforms with fewer resources.

Licensing and Monetization Opportunities

Cross-platform games can take advantage of different monetization models available on different platforms. For example, a game might rely on in-app purchases for mobile, premium pricing for PC, and subscription services or DLC for consoles. This flexible approach helps developers generate revenue across different markets without needing to build separate games for each.

Additionally, some engines (like Unity) offer more favorable licensing models for indie or small developers, which can help reduce long-term costs.

Long-Term Support and Maintenance

Games designed with cross-platform in mind are easier to maintain and update over time. If you anticipate needing to provide long-term support for your game, especially for live-service titles, cross-platform development allows you to maintain consistency across platforms, saving costs on support staff, testing, and patch deployment.


Cross-platform game development is a powerful strategy that can increase your game’s reach and revenue potential. It allows for a broader audience, cost-effective maintenance, and a unified user experience. However, it also introduces challenges such as technical complexity, performance trade-offs, and higher initial development costs.

For developers, a cross-platform decision must consider the long-term benefits of market expansion, audience growth, and the primary concerns of ensuring high performance and user satisfaction across devices. In the end, the choice depends on the scale of the game, the target audience, and the available resources.

Understanding these pros and cons helps set realistic expectations and strategic planning for your next cross-platform project.

Cross-platform game development can be a cost-effective solution, particularly for games that aim for a broad audience and long-term updates. By leveraging powerful engines like Unity and Unreal Engine, developers can streamline the process of creating and maintaining games across multiple platforms. However, the approach requires careful planning and upfront investment in the right tools and resources.

Cross-platform development helps achieve both short-term and long-term goals by optimizing resources and maximizing reach. Cross-platform development at Melior Games can give our customers a great advantage by offering tailored, scalable solutions for the international gaming market.