


Client: Melior Games
Client Location: Ukraine
Specifics: Game Development, 2D Art, Concept


One moment you are young and carefree, with your biggest worries being schoolwork and having enough time to play games. However, suddenly you’re graduating high school and getting ready for work. You are now getting married to the woman (or man) of your dreams. A few seconds more and it’s now time for retirement. And just like that, your life is now almost over, with all that’s left is memories of events that, even though they occurred decades ago, feel as though they happened yesterday.

Become is a game about how everyday choices affect the rest of your life. Play it over and over again, and see how a missed opportunity here or a different choice there will lead to an entirely different fate. Life is short, so treasure it and those you share it with.

Become is a game that vividly captures the essence of fleeting moments and consequential choices. From carefree youth to the milestones of marriage and retirement, navigate a lifetime of decisions. Replay the game to witness how alternate choices shape a unique destiny, underscoring the precious brevity of life and the importance of cherished connections.
